May Meeting

Rescuing Enerrancy

A presentation by

Eric Smith

Eric Smith


May 23rd - 7:00 PM

In Person & ZOOM

Room 105
Johnson Ferry Baptist Church
955 Johnson Ferry Rd, Marietta

Directions to Johnson Ferry Baptist

(See Sidepanel for joining ZOOM)

In recent years, more and more evangelical scholars have abandoned an inerrantist, straightforward reading of the first eleven chapters of Genesis, convinced that modern-day science only allows for a metaphorical or accommodationist interpretation, putting at risk the doctrine of Biblical Inerrancy.

In his book Rescuing Inerrancy, Hugh Ross looks at the history of the doctrine of inerrancy, its importance to the church and the historical creeds, and how recent scientific discoveries have strengthened -- not threatened -- the doctrine of the reliability and accuracy of the Scriptures.

Rescuing Ennerancy by Hugh Ross

Join us as Eric Smith takes us through a look at this book allowing us to explore inerrancy together.

Eric Smith

Eric A. Smith received his Master's Degree in Physics from Vanderbilt University where he was a member of the Supernova Cosmology Project, the co-discovers of dark energy. He has spoken on both scientific and apologetics topics at the Atlanta chapter of Reasons to Believe, the Areopagus Forum, and Ratio Christi. He currently resides in Milledgeville, GA, where he is an Associate Professor of Physics at Georgia Military College.